segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

Vamos participar do Grant Catalyst, do creative commons!

No dia que a idéia de criar a marca aberta nasceu, entrei no Creative Commons e vi que eles abriram um programa para "fomentar projetos ao redor do mundo dedicados ao aumento do acesso e a uma maior abertura" (

E o melhor: com prazo para 30 de junho!! Nada poderia ser tão eficaz quanto um prazo neste momento que tento aprender a lidar com flexibilidade total de tempo!! :)

First task: descrever em 5 frases o projeto. Aí vai (tem que ser em inglês. Já já coloco em português!)

My project is to build and foster an open brand called “Dream” (“Dos Sonhos” in Portuguese), that will benefit anyone who has a dream and need little financial support to accomplish, sustain or even chase it.

Its objective is to help people getting [extra] money by creating meaning for products or services they can temporarily sell to enable their dream - something they can do well, that is not very time consuming, and that others appreciate (eg. baking cookies, teaching something, etc).

Instead of attesting the quality or source of the product/service that is being sold, “Dream” will represent the purpose behind the brand and help sales by touching consumers through the satisfaction of helping others accomplish their dreams.

The grant will be used to build and scale a bilingual open community for “dream-entrepreneurs" to customize, promote and exchange knowledge regarding their "dream-products" or services.

Acompanhe aqui a evolução desse... sonho! ;)

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